This facility receives funding from Offroad Nevada. registration required for membership.

Elko Hillside Motorsports
Motocross Track Rules

Please take a moment to review and abide by our track rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Track Rules

Safety Equipment when riding

Proper safety equipment to be used by all riders on the track. (Helmets, Boots) at minimum.

Registration Shack / Storage Buildings

Registration Shack and Storage buildings are to be accessed by authorized personal only.

Equipment use

Equipment will only be used when a board member is present at the track.

Vehicles and trailers beyond spectator fence

No vehicles or trailers beyond the spectator fence.

Atv/ Utv

Atv's/Utv's are not allowed on the track.

Trash/Personal items

All trash and personal items must be taken with you when leaving the property.

Ohv registration

All bikes over 70cc are required to be registered with Nevada Ohv.

Respect other riders

In order to provide a fun safe environment for all ages and experience. Please respect other riders on the track.

Track down days

24hr notice will be posted on website/ social media for any track closures or special events.

Alcohol and firearms

In order to provide a safe environment for our members. We enforce NRS:202.257 Possession of a firearm under the influence.

Working Memberships

Working hrs. need to be completed thought the year. If hrs haven't been completed a working membership won't be issued for the next year until hrs have been met

Membership Includes

Access to ride the facility any day of the week excluding race event/ special events and maintenance days. Daily watering is unavailable at this time.

Track riding direction

The track is designed to be used in one direction. NO backwards direction riding.

Facility Access

Members are permitted to use the front entrance only. Gate must be closed and locked at all times.

Allowing nonmember into the facility

Any member who allows non-members to enter facility for any reason will have membership revoked. This includes giving out the gate code. This is for non-event days.

Membership Waiver

All members must have a current waiver signed on website. (This includes Non Riders)

Never ride alone

Never ride alone.

Minors riding

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Membership Timeframe

Yearly memberships run off each calendar year. January 1st to December 31st.